Los Yorks – El Viaje: 1966-1974
It’s pretty easy to hear why these Peruvians are considered to be the wildest bunch on the South American mid-to-end’60s scene. There are rave-ups sure to make even The Yardbirds’ feathers fly, and an occasional […]
It’s pretty easy to hear why these Peruvians are considered to be the wildest bunch on the South American mid-to-end’60s scene. There are rave-ups sure to make even The Yardbirds’ feathers fly, and an occasional […]
However unnoticed it was at the time of release, besides the more usual suspects, this one has grown to become another one of THE quintessential items to be used while trying to define Brit-psych. Basically […]
Geordie boozer, pioneering British r’n’b practitioner, Psychedelic Eric, as well as Andy Partridge’s favourite joke … are only some of the many beasts of Burdon. An ex-Animal himself, by the time of the summer of […]
Had Austin Powers been made back in 1966 or 1967, where it belongs after all, I’m pretty sure most of this album would’ve fitted the soundtrack quite nice. On a more contemporary basis, this might […]
– The Complete Recordings – Gathered around the mutual idea of writing “the perfect feel-good pop song” in early ‘67, Jerry Riopelle, Murray McLeod and Smokey Roberts came up with Sunshine Girl, setting the pattern […]
No greaser quiff, no black leather pants, though with the inevitable bad leg limp, but he still doesn’t sound as if he means maybe while be-bopin’ all over the American musical legacy, even though it’s […]
The first thing on my mind, whenever stumbling upon another mod revival band, is: “In the name of Mod, please make this NOT to be another bunch of Jam soundalikes”. Even though they do look […]
One of the original BMX Riders, a Soup Dragon fighter, a Superstar that never was, and now a Green Pepper of an extraordinary taste. It’s all Glaswegian Jim McCulloch, and he’s back with the sophomore […]
’65/’66 Beatlism of a song, McGuinn-like 12-string jangle, Bluntstone-d vocals, Left Banke-ish string arrangement, Beach Boys-like harmonies … and all of this within a single song, mixed up not unlike it’s being done by the […]
Even though I am more than semi-retired from this scribbling biz I still get a steady stream of emailed press releases and the odd disc in the post. When I find myself needing a break […]
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