Au Pair – One Armed Candy Bear
Not to be confused with the old English plurals or the Finnish combo, this is a duo (Americanized pun intended it seems) composed of Gary Louris (Jayhawks) and Django Haskins (Old Ceremony). Though recorded in […]
Not to be confused with the old English plurals or the Finnish combo, this is a duo (Americanized pun intended it seems) composed of Gary Louris (Jayhawks) and Django Haskins (Old Ceremony). Though recorded in […]
Back like some rare form of locust on the swarm again after seven years are the Maharajas with their fifth long player. The only morph since last time is the swap of drummers: Jesper Karlsson […]
This is the most intriguing album I’ve heard these past 12 months. Repeated listening reinforces the notion that I can’t remember the last album before this that I actually regretted not having a lyric sheet. […]
Before last week (middle of July) I can’t say I had ever heard of the Shilohs, even though they’ve been around since ‘08. (The number of bands in the world has expanded by multiple orders […]
This is Rock ‘n Roll! None of that masking the vocals in obscuring washes of reverb and digital efx, and playing tic-tac-toe on a pallet of pedals, just energetic strumming, down home twangin’, keen leads, […]
These are some young ‘uns out of San Francisco, fronted by three singer-songwriters – Ryan Wong, Pat Thomas (not to be confused with Absolute Grey’s Pat Thomas, who I think is still residing in the […]
(Disclosure) The Surfin’ Lungs and me go back some 25 years. In all that time their focus has remained as tight as an excimer laser on, you can surmise from their name, what’s known colloquially […]
This is the follow-up to Mr. Guss’s 2010 debut solo album, Mercury Mine. Once again it’s a mostly one-man-band production. The songs are fetching and succinct (only three out of twelve numbers cross the three-minute […]
A cache of publisher’s demos from the period leading up to Gene’s return as a solo act with his self-titled album were recently found. The story goes the album was to be called White Light, […]
Pastiche: “A literary, musical, or artistic piece consisting wholly or chiefly of motifs or techniques borrowed from one or more sources.” There’s no getting past it, the Explorers Club are still in that phase. It’s […]
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