Daryll-Ann – Happy Traum + DA Live
It seems the Dutch label Excelsior is taking their shot at the big time, the U.S.A., and their lead blocker is Daryll-Ann. H.T. came out in Europe back in ’99 but here only a few […]
It seems the Dutch label Excelsior is taking their shot at the big time, the U.S.A., and their lead blocker is Daryll-Ann. H.T. came out in Europe back in ’99 but here only a few […]
The good folks at Parasol recently struck a finished product deal with this Swedish Warner Music Group label to distribute, relatively cheaply, quantities of TSOOL’s catalog here in the good ol’ US of A. (Everyone […]
From the heart of that IPO scene comes this creation by one time Double Naught Spies dude Rick Hromadka (see unlisted track 13, a reprise of that band’s theme song), with some minor assistance from […]
I will say this about all the UK generated hype, it’s transformed a young band who actually seemed to be developing some stagecraft, as opposed to the 85% of young bands these days who resemble […]
I should first inform you that I’ve been friends with these guys since the mid-‘80s, after coming across their debut self-released single. For years we were supposed to do a feature in the old rag, […]
Another product of France, Fugu is led by singer, guitarist, songwriter, producer, mastermind Mehdi Zannad. This, their debut album, is a modern update of the currently in vogue ‘60s Soft-Rock sound (see Millennium review elsewhere), […]
Once more this Wisconsin trio and Scottish chanteuse/fourth appendage blend up a batch of post-modern pop tunes. Some flare out to left field, some foul off towards the dugout. The lead off track Shut Your […]
I’m not sure what else they’ll uncover in another five years but I’ll keep buying them. The third version of (OK, everyone together now) “the greatest live Rock and Roll recording” on vinyl, or polycarbonate […]
Third time the charm? Now on their third US label and once again having a one year gap between the release here and back in their home market. To compensate for the latter hindrance Kinetic […]
As you should know, Almaas was in the Suicide Commandos, Crackers, Beat Rodeo and probably a couple more I’ve missed along the way, while Smith comes over from the grungey, raucous Speedball Baby. When I […]
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