Simply Saucer – Cyborgs Revisited
There are various bands who existed before 1976 but because they were a bit out of sync with current fashion and a bit raw, as time marched on, got drafted into what became known as […]
There are various bands who existed before 1976 but because they were a bit out of sync with current fashion and a bit raw, as time marched on, got drafted into what became known as […]
Unlike the big Floyd box from a few years back, the ten disc Grateful Dead package has, this year, been broken down into its constituent parts. This two-disc set is the portion that contained pre-Warners […]
In the short existence of this publication I’ve written about these guys a couple times in the A.S.T. section. And after finally listening to their debut album, I think they are better digested in those […]
Crispin Mills — scion of famed ’60s teen actor Hayley, whose classic film Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows was partially shot on the outskirts of town here — returns from the crash of Kula Shaker […]
I should first inform you that I’ve known Art Di Furia — who is pretty much the Photon Band, especially since he was between rhythm sections and just about everything on this album was done […]
The Diplomats… are an organ — the B3 — led instrumental quartet from Iowa City, who include that man about town, Doug Roberson [see Dangtrippers & Bent Scepters]. The sound is classic lounge R&B, falling […]
The Rademaker brothers (see Further and Shadowland) are back together again. Held over from Once is keyboardist Ann Do and lead guitarist Benjamin Knight. Taking a turn on the drum throne is once and future […]
Life has gotten very busy for Dom Mariani. What with the Stems reunion gigs (coming to Spain at Thanksgiving) and reissues, putting together a Someloves retrospective (via Half A Cow), recording an official solo album, […]
Here we have a straighter, post-Beatles, ‘60s derived Pop-Rock. Every word is clear and centred, and as the title implies they’re usually concerned with the view from a more mature perspective: Bringing Up Baby and […]
This Seattle four-piece brings to mind the Pretty Girls, who you might remember from last issue. The foundation is slightly different. The Hearts’ cinderblocks are those denizens of Rhino’s D.I.Y.: UK Pop volumes, with more […]
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