Dipsomaniacs – Stethoscopic Notion
These days, there aren’t many bands that wear their influences so obviously and still manage to sound so distinctive. The music of Dipsomaniacs can be described in one simple sentence, but this one line opens […]
These days, there aren’t many bands that wear their influences so obviously and still manage to sound so distinctive. The music of Dipsomaniacs can be described in one simple sentence, but this one line opens […]
Fuzzbubble’s album is the perfect example of the successful combination of mainstream rock approach and irresistible melodies that often don’t get much of an understanding from the modern music consuming public. With the perfectly calculated […]
The activity of envoking the spirits of the sixth decade, causes some pretty contrary reactions these days like “senseless retro-purism” on one side or “authentic recreating of the ’60s sound”. On the other. The concept […]
Ever since from Abba, Scandinavia is known as an area whose climate is very favourable for “producing” first class pop music, especially if you exclude the synthesized clones in the favour of the ones delievered […]
The Lucky Bishops’ second long-playing effort offers exactly the same concept as their debut, and it’s mostly about being completely different from anything you’re likely to hear these days. As soon as you check out […]
Even if this group wasn’t from Estonia (!?!), their step into the international pop scene this year would be equally fascinating because of the world’s definite lack of such a perfect combination of commercial aspect […]
Since this is one of my favourite groups and also an owner of one of the POPISM’s best albums of all times (the s/t debut from 1998), a certain dose of subjectivism must be tolerated […]
I’m not sure if it’s really the case here, but Tony Valenziano, the man behind the Smile label that makes us do exactly that, could make his A & R-ing pretty easy. The only thing […]
Scottish popsters Aerial burst onto the UK scene in 2000 playing a brand of pop that appealed to both indie kids and power pop fans. They released two four songs EPs on Fantastic Plastic, and […]
Even though it’s a re-release of a six-song EP from 1997, this album will surely find it’s place on many year lists, because of the whole bunch of bonuses, and even extra bonuses, adding a […]
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