Stratocruiser – Stratocruiser
I may be a bit late on this, but since I’ve just heard it, I thought it’d be a shame not to share my impressions. Actually, I didn’t really think so after hearing the opening […]
I may be a bit late on this, but since I’ve just heard it, I thought it’d be a shame not to share my impressions. Actually, I didn’t really think so after hearing the opening […]
“Right baby, hold tight! Here is some more mind-blowing sounds” goes the Austin Power-ish BBC announcement, “reviewing” this album in one line ….. well, it’s two actually, but none less appropriately describing Kaleidoscope’s “sounds of […]
Though last year’s introductory EP suggested that something good is about to strike the pop world, I had no idea that it can be THIS good. The members of The Mood Elevator were among the […]
Retaining the musical path established on the previous two albums, Joe Pernice leads his “Brothers” further on their quest for the perfect Anglo-American “intelligent-pop” formula and with every single one of these ten songs, it […]
I’ve never imagined that among the whole bunch of ‘60s reissues that appear every year, there could be a time when I’ll rate an ‘80s re-release among my favourites ones. Well, this is where it […]
Don’t let the name and the Rickenbacker cover-art mislead you, cuz this ain’t no plain mod revival (which isn’t a bad thing either) but superMODern melodic noize. What I’d call them, is an American answer […]
Good music is not necessarily commercial, nor is it the other way round, but when every part of the puzzle fits so perfectly well, like the ones that this album is made of, the possibilities […]
One thing that I’m sure about, is that this is a ROCK album! Right from it’s very start it just ROCKS … in the most melodic way, combining the heavy and the sweet, not unlike […]
The Intro that opens The Smallgoods’ debut longplayer, is actually a real song, taking us on a Brit-influenced (post)shoegazing tour (which I mean as a good thing, since it recalls the genre’s greatest moments). Before […]
The subtitle of the second album by this New York mod gang, files them under “’60s mod beat pop”, which is pretty close, though I’d also add a detail or two just to straighten things […]
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