However stupid it may sound, I really wish I never write another Maharajas review again… or not.
I mean, I feel so restricted about having nothing else to say over and over again, except „one of the best contemporary bands around“ (if not THE best), „one of the best releases of the year“ (if not THE best), „one of the best singers ever“ (well, not really THE best, but surely one of the best), bla, bla, bla … which is basically all that I was saying in the past reviews (which you can check for yourselves somewhere around these same pages).
This might as well be the end of this review, because I suppose you get the point, but having in mind that there’s still some of you not being aware of what really is so great about them, here’s just a couple of more precise directives of what you get.
It’s the minor-chord ’60s beat influence that they’re the best at channeling into the moderndaze, and as always, there’s plenty of it, best heard in One Leg On Each Side, I’m Going Home or Trapped. On a more upbeat side, they don’t get too farther away from cool influences such as The Remains (One Man Team, Yeah Yeah), The Yardbirds (mostly Gouldman-related material) (On Hold (For Too Long), Maybe She Loves You, Split Personality) with a dash of The Zombies all over the album, powering things up by way not unlike their Oz soulmates Sunnyboys used to do way back in the early ’80s.
Having a garage revival legend of Jens Lindberg’s kind within the line up is sure to make things get punked up once in a while as well, with all kinds of familiar riffs being thrown around tunes such as The Boy Inside, Not A New Sensation or Can’t Take It Anymore, with the latter featuring an ass-kicking Nazz-like punch.
Now scroll up to the begninning, so that I don’t have to blab all over again.
[Released by Low Impact 2007]
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