Amerikansk pop – Del 3
Nej, det är inte helt slut med vårt frossande i den Amerikanska Popen; den skall leva och frodas även i detta nummer. I de två första numren av Now & Then fick ni ett lexikon […]
Nej, det är inte helt slut med vårt frossande i den Amerikanska Popen; den skall leva och frodas även i detta nummer. I de två första numren av Now & Then fick ni ett lexikon […]
– A 1970s memoir [Faber and Faber, 2010] The renowned English rock writer Nick Kent was one of the first music critics that was influenced by the gonzo journalism movement, which is a style of […]
Today Harold Eugene Clark would have been 72. After years of drug abuse and heavy drinking he died of a heart attack the 24th of May 1991. He was only 46. I have added an […]
Here’s the original version of the interview we had with Mr. Dwight Twilley, who very kindly took the time to answer our questions on the occasion of the release of Tulsa, his very last and […]
More than fifteen years has gone since I passed on my first selection of favorite instrumentals. (link here, in Swedish only) A mere glimpse into a restricted and somewhat odd music genre that still fascinates, […]
In his book 1966 – this being the 50th anniversary of that year – Jon Savage claims that 1966 was a groundbreaking year. As in his previous books – England’s Dreaming (1991) about the history […]
During the recording of your last album some people left the band. Did you consider breaking up the band then? How did that affect you? – The making of So Far was very difficult. It […]
Time boggles the mind a bit when you realize that the New Yorker Alan Vega had turned 42 when he released his self-titled debut album in 1980. His previous ten years, with Martin Rev in […]
LEGEND Anything You Do [Vertigo, 1971] Jag har Kjell Alinge att tacka för mycket. Utan att han hade den blekaste aning om det var han min musikaliske ledasagare under första halvan av 1970-talet. Ofta spelade […]
Just on the off chance you’ve already made it through all 18 discs, 20 hours, and/or 379 tracks of Bob Dylan’s Cutting Edge Collector’s Edition, then may I suggest you now turn both ears immediately […]
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