The Rolling Stones 1969-1974: The Mick Taylor Years
THROUGH THE PAST, SMARTLY For those who arrived at the party rather late – meaning the first new Stones record you ever bought had a big red tongue splayed across its label – the five […]
THROUGH THE PAST, SMARTLY For those who arrived at the party rather late – meaning the first new Stones record you ever bought had a big red tongue splayed across its label – the five […]
Introduction by Gary Pig Gold Please allow me to offer here a few words of virtual remembrance, in tribute to one of my greatest friends (and apparently one of my most supportive fans), the one […]
The first “official” Deadbeat Poets video. Who’s Hieronymus Bosch? is taken from the upcoming album American Stroboscope. It will be out in a few weeks and contains 7 songs. [flexvid][/flexvid]
A mere twenty-eight seconds into Joel Gilbert’s Bob Dylan Revealed documentary, the subject matter himself warns us “There’s many sides to the coin, y’know, and you haveta really, uh, the longer you go on, the […]
Those should’ve been the days: Dateline, February 3, 2012 Yessir, that last tour was sure a sumbitch, wasn’t it? Winter Dance Party my lone starred ass! More like a near month hauling all across those […]
Pastiche: “A literary, musical, or artistic piece consisting wholly or chiefly of motifs or techniques borrowed from one or more sources.” There’s no getting past it, the Explorers Club are still in that phase. It’s […]
Late one night in very late 1976, a singer acquaintance of mine burst into the (condemned) house I was then sharing with the local bar band, shouting “You will never believe what I just saw […]
Has it really been nearly five decades already since television’s greatest-ever talent scout took a chance on a brash young musical novelty act from far-off Britain? Yes, even to those who weren’t extremely tuned into […]
Here is what I’ve learned: The Golden Bears are a duo, with a fair amount of help, out of Portland, Oregon: Julianna Bright (vocals and drums) and Seth Lorinczi (a whole bunch the other stuff). […]
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