While reviewing the debut release on their new-found Texan home that is the 13 O’Clock label, I said that it’s a 7-inch taster for the forthcoming longplayer, which, as it happens, it was not. None of the two sides is included here, so I guess you’ll have to track this one down as well, and I’m sure you won’t be sorry for doing so. However, the single that preceded both releases (reviewed elsewhere on these pages) IS included, which you will be just as glad about.
Pairing up the only songs written by the ex-Embrook Mole (And In Time, If We Don’t), it features equal parts of Tex-fuzz garage punk and slightlydelic folk rocking jangle, which also happen to be the two basic ingredients throughout the album.
Besides these, there’s an r’n’b vibe goin’ on in You Are What They Want, and even some country-ish folky flavour in Know That You Know, by way of Buffalo Springfield-era Ritchie Furray, and my fave of them all is the moody Poets-like psych twang of (Wandering Thru) Fields Of Green. Sure to lift you to a higher state of mynd!
[Released by 13 O’Clock Records 2009]
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