Jeremy – Yesterday, Today And Forever

Being an all-round (power) pop figure for more than most of us can even remember, besides an international roster of bands, Jeremy Morris’ own label is Jam-packed with his own releases, covering all kinds of pop-related sube-genres, so an album of (almost exclusively) Beatles covers seemed like an obvious thing to happen, be it yesterday or today.

With his voice being pretty reminiscent of Lennon’s anyway, it’s more than often that John’s tracks here sound like imaginary Anthology outtakes, all close enough to the definite studio versions, with only Good Night being a cover in a true sense, starting as a folk-rocking jangler, and turning into a full blown psych, with backward loops and all.

Another consequence of (over)Lennonized vocals, is the fact that Paul’s and George’s tracks sound as if done by John as well, which actually happens to be quite an interesting experience to listen to. The only original is Revolution #7, which I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that it came as a result of trying to cover Julia, leading towards what might as well be the most psychedelic 12 (!) minutes of Christian music this side of heaven.

Another detail, worth the price alone, is the CD artwork by Dennis Preston, featuring besides the Beatles themselves, Jeremy floating in Pepperland, in a full blown Yellow Submarine outfit.

[Released by JAM 2007]

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