Gary’s Endless Winter
Your humble Pop Digger, mouse in hand and mistle firmly under toe, scoured this whole virtual world in order to ask that musical question… “ WHY WOULD YOU RATHER BE LISTENING TO THE BEACH BOYS […]
Your humble Pop Digger, mouse in hand and mistle firmly under toe, scoured this whole virtual world in order to ask that musical question… “ WHY WOULD YOU RATHER BE LISTENING TO THE BEACH BOYS […]
In the utterly go-go, trans-media flurry which was mid-Sixties pop(ular culture), every television star worth their Nielsens was expected to not only chase spies and rope steers, but compete with those rock ‘n’ rollers of […]
“Det tar ett tag för melodierna att sjunka in”, är ett vanligt förekommande uttryck i kritikerkretsar. Själv har jag ofta tolkat det som om plattan omgående kan avfärdas. Problemet är att det finns få popplattor […]
This is the most intriguing album I’ve heard these past 12 months. Repeated listening reinforces the notion that I can’t remember the last album before this that I actually regretted not having a lyric sheet. […]
Before last week (middle of July) I can’t say I had ever heard of the Shilohs, even though they’ve been around since ‘08. (The number of bands in the world has expanded by multiple orders […]
No Slam Dancing; No Stage Diving; No Spikes: An Oral History of the Legendary City Gardens – Amy Yates Wuelfing & Steven DiLodovico This is a self-published tome attempting to tell the tale of an […]
Sätt plattan på maxtemperatur. Vänta en halv-timme. Häll i Velvet Underground, Stooges och Sonics. Låt blandningen smälta. När mixen har blivit brun häller ni i en rejäl dos Beach Boys och Phil Spector. Strunta i […]
Aldrig kommer det att stå i tidningen att popmusiken tog hans liv. Popmusiken är inte farlig. Den är mycket, men inte farlig. Den är ett kort elektrisk rus, en kick som ger ny energi. Den […]
After being away from the music business far too long Frank Secich together with some old friends formed the Deadbeat Poets in Youngstown, Ohio last summer. This spring of 2007 they’ve been recording their debut […]
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