It sounds like a good idea to name a band like this, because if you’re a pop fan, it just has to tickle your moptopped mind, and sooner or later, you’ll have to seek it out and by the time you realize it, you’ll be infected by the melodies that, as they put it themselves, are “gonna bite, chew and rip your soul in two”.
There was some talk about them wearing their ‘Fanclub badges, which actually does come out on the two “b-sides”, but it’s far from any kind of a rip-off, being more like something out of the Blake/Love/McGinley songbook, that they were saving for their eventual swan-song.
It’s really the title song that makes things right here, and I guess that’s what Starky is all about. This is the one that could secure a place under the “starky” sky and I hope “that’s how we’ll know them” in the future.
[Released by Laughing Outlaw 2002]
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