Ten You May Have Missed In 2017
Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie released a new CD, Chuck Berry released his last CD, and Jan & Dean’s REAL Filet Of Soul finally arrived …after a quite, well, fishy 52-year delay. Nevertheless, I still […]
Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie released a new CD, Chuck Berry released his last CD, and Jan & Dean’s REAL Filet Of Soul finally arrived …after a quite, well, fishy 52-year delay. Nevertheless, I still […]
If we could all just tear ourselves away momentarily from the Zimmer Man’s Another Self Portrait, may I suggest an immediate tip of both ears towards (and in absolutely NO order other than the alphabetical, […]
Six years after his last studio album (Basic Glee, reviewed elsewhere on these pages), one of New York’s finest troubadours for more than twenty years now, decides on “setting accounts” with his own past by […]
After being available to only a handful of “Basic Glee Choir” members, the “leftovers” of the Basic Glee sessions are finally being put to the “right” side of things, by being made available to the […]
After the glorious come-back album, Cornerstone, the name of Richard X. Heyman has became a common one among the pop fans when it comes to the genre-defining authors. Having played with some of the most […]
Richard X. Heyman is one of the trubadours of the contemporary New York scene balancing between the statues of an independent pop icon and mainstream artist, whose come-back after two albums from the ’80s/’90s transition […]
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