Ricky – The Summer Sun Still Echoes
This is Ricky’s third release following a mini-album and single, and the first not on their own Bod the Mod label. They admit to being influenced by the likes of Buffalo Springfield, Love and The […]
This is Ricky’s third release following a mini-album and single, and the first not on their own Bod the Mod label. They admit to being influenced by the likes of Buffalo Springfield, Love and The […]
I approached this release with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Ricky’s debut release, the six song CD You Set The Scene, was my favourite release of last year and this single represents their first […]
Ricky are four teenagers (plus a currently temporary drummer) from Portsmouth, England, and this 6 song CD is their debut release on their own Bod The Mod label. Unsurprisingly given their age they are inspired […]
Scottish popsters Aerial burst onto the UK scene in 2000 playing a brand of pop that appealed to both indie kids and power pop fans. They released two four songs EPs on Fantastic Plastic, and […]
This set features sessions and concerts recorded by the band for BBC radio between 1977 and 1981. First up is a John Peel session recorded on 26/4/77, featuring In The City, Art School, I’ve Changed […]
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