The Posies – Jon Auer intervju
Hela sitt vuxna liv har de spelat ihop, Jon Auer och Ken Stringfellow — de båda låtskrivarna, sångarna och gitarristerna i The Posies. 28 år gammal har åtminstone Jon Auer fått nog. Den nära vänskapen […]
Hela sitt vuxna liv har de spelat ihop, Jon Auer och Ken Stringfellow — de båda låtskrivarna, sångarna och gitarristerna i The Posies. 28 år gammal har åtminstone Jon Auer fått nog. Den nära vänskapen […]
After quite a few retrospective, live and solo releases since Failure in 1998, the two of the moderndaze power-pop “big stars”, Ken Stringfellow and Jon Auer, join up for the first proper Posies album in […]
Ever since I’ve heard Ken’s previous solo album Touched (reviewed elsewhere on these pages), I tend to say that this has become my favourite Stringfellow period. Some of the Posies tunes will always find a […]
Somewhere in a fairer world, or maybe more competent one, the name of Ken Stringfellow would be written in golden letters in some so called “R’n’R Hall of fame”, but as things are now, even […]
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