Big Star – In Space
Well, I suppose there’s not much more albums out there that were so eagerly awaited like this one. The first impression is that the (almost) thirty year wait was worth enough to place it alongside […]
Well, I suppose there’s not much more albums out there that were so eagerly awaited like this one. The first impression is that the (almost) thirty year wait was worth enough to place it alongside […]
Evie Sands is another character in the long line of those whose name is being mentioned among the “small circle of friends” and true aficionados, and whose songs (well at least some of them) are […]
According to the accompanying liners, provided by their soulmate Paul Bevoir, if his own band The Jetset, were The Monkees of the mid’80s swinging(again) London scene, and if The Times were The Kinks, then The […]
If you’ve already read the first part of the Frost records story (available elsewhere on these pages), you should be familiar with the label’s mission to make available, practically EVERYTHING ever released throughout the sixties […]
After introducing itself through the pair of contemporary mod-revival-laden compilations (Shake! & Shout! … reviewed elsewhere on PopDiggers pages) and a Mod-Aid charity single, here’s the first bunch of equally MODernistic EPs, bringing back the […]
After the last year’s debut release, which was the Shake! comp (read the review elsewhere on the PopDiggers pages), in accordance with it’s very name, the Biff Bang Pow label continues with a bunch of […]
After all the Millenium-related, as well as Curt’s own sixties stuff, being full of vocal harmony-laden studio trickery, at first I was kinda afraid of what to expect of what was described as his laid […]
Up until now, my only encounter with Christian groups, was through several contemporary (power) pop bands and, even though I have nothing against using rock’n’roll for praising the Lord, to me it just doesn’t seem […]
Though he seemed a bit neglected as an author during the Millennium days, at least when it comes to the material that got released at the time, now at the wake of the new “millennium”, […]
After whole lots of “joy with the melodic sunshine-pop” of his former cosmic rough ride, as well as last year’s debut solo album Ramshackle Beauty, here’s something to fill the gap until the official follow […]
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