The latest from former Chisel frontman Ted Leo sees him spreading out from his New Wave/Mod vernacular. Throughout the sound is full and present, with focused yet varied arrangements.
Out of the box Biomusicology starts with a chunky electric guitar and then mixes in a crystalline acoustic and a rigid rhythm, all in support of Leo’s Blue-eyed Soul tinged vocals. Everything drops out for a very pretty, brief cello interlude, then it all kicks back in as it heads toward the drawn-out outro where there’s a seeming duet between the cello and a slide guide with both getting progressively dirty and efxed.
Parallel Or Together? is supplied with a Celtic rhythm courtesy of a frantically strummed, ringing guitar and the drumming while Leo’s vocals, double-tracked, are light and breathy constructing a song that is guaranteed to suck you into its whirlwind.
The same flavor reappears in the second half of Timorous Me, a compelling story song that’s equal part Van the Man and early Springsteen. While track no. 3, Under The Hedge, is a ravishing Pop song. I could tick each track off, but nothing fails to strike a chord.
Heck, the almost 8 minute Stove By A Whale comes out of it’s intro grind into a boogie complete with a syncopated wail that would warm the cockles of Steve Marriott’s long still heart.
[Released by Lookout! 2001]
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