Gene Clark – The Byrd And The Best (Part 6 of 6)
Some final words from the writer: It’s time to put an end to a fantastic journey, which started on December 11 last year. But maybe I’ll return in the future with profound biographies about my […]
Some final words from the writer: It’s time to put an end to a fantastic journey, which started on December 11 last year. But maybe I’ll return in the future with profound biographies about my […]
Några avslutande ord från skribenten: Det är dags att avsluta en fantastisk resa, som inleddes den 11:e december i fjol. Men jag kanske återvänder med djuplodande biografier om mina andra favoritartister i framtiden. Trots att […]
Autumn–Winter 1974–1975: Gene Clark realizes that his latest album, No Other in which he put his whole heart into, has flopped. Gene is forced to start touring, because there are bills and a mortgage to […]
Hösten–vintern 1974–1975: Gene Clark inser att senaste skivan, No Other som han lagt ner hela sin själ i, har floppat. Gene tvingas ge sig ut på turné, för det finns räkningar och huslån som måste […]
When Gene Clark parted with Doug Dillard, it wasn’t just that the duo were going in different musical directions. Gene had begun to realize that he couldn’t continue to abuse his body with alcohol and […]
När Gene Clark avslutade samarbetet med Doug Dillard berodde det inte enbart på att duon ville gå skilda musikaliska vägar. Sent omsider hade Gene börjat inse att han inte kunde fortsätta att misshandla kroppen. Han […]
After Gene Clark left The Byrds in March 1966, our hero visited his family – this time as a former member of a famous group. The stay wasn’t pleasant, though, because Gene was dishearted by […]
Efter att Gene Clark lämnat The Byrds i mars 1966 gjorde vår hjälte ett längre besök hos familjen – men denna gång som före detta medlem i en berömd grupp. Det blev dock inget glatt […]
Some introductory words from the writer: Writing a very comprehensive article about a relatively unknown artist, may seem like a strange idea. But, as I said in the introduction, Gene Clark is not just anyone. […]
In January 1965, The Byrds recorded the final version of Mr. Tambourine Man, with Terry Melcher as the producer. Melcher was a musician who gradually moved behind the mixing board and become a talented producer. […]
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