There’s no way this Northwestern English modster can avoid being compared to Weller, which is how he’s being “pigeon-holed by the industry” already, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as heard herewith.
Terry Shaughnessy mostly sticks to whatever Paul has been influenced by for Mod knows how long, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me saying that some of the album’s highlights are worthy enough of modfather’s own best moments. After the hard-rockin’ glam’n’glitter brought by the opening tribal rhythm, the following I Believe will make you realise this yourself, as far as the author’s capability to come up with anything just as soulful goes.
The same goes for Can You Feel It?, Volcano or Try As I May. More or less derivative, he also gets quite good while taking an occasional psychedelic trip (Let It Burn), the role of an acid-fueled folky (Transmission, Satellites), as well as the one of an orchestrated band leader (Throw Me A Line).
Not really mad, but mod for it you’ll go.
[Released by Easy Money 2008]
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