J.D. Blackfoot – The Ultimate Prophecy

Regarded as one of those long-lost psych albums, praised by some and criticised by others, J.D.Blackfoot’s The Ultimate Prophecy, originally released in 1971, is here again for another re-evaluation episode.

Besides the original physical division on two vinyl sides, the album really does consist of two separate wholes. Side one is mostly made of more commercial sounding tunes of the day, such as the good-time-ish west coast country rock of the opening One Time Woman and We Can Try, sounding not unlike the “workingman beauty”-period Grateful Dead.

Or giving it a bit more laid back folky feel in the vein if Neil Young in Angel and I’ve Never Seen You, with the latter adding some more adventurous vibes of his Buffalo-daze.

While Good Day Extending Company also follows the country way, the flavour of an acid drop or two becomes audible, which takes us to the “conceptual” birth/death B-side, where it seems as if the whole bottle of it was spilled, with only an occasional return to the conventional song structure like in Cycles.

Not really a classic of the psychedelic genre, but surely a more than welcome re-issue of an album that shouldn’t be forgotten.

[Released by Radioactive 2005]

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