You don’t really have to think twice to get an idea about where the main Cavemen influences come from. Rooted mostly in the mid’60s American garage punk sounds, they tend to combine the authenticity of the genre originators, with the second hand perspective of their own Italian-beat forefathers, with the first half of the album also being sung in their native language.
They also make the right choice, covering a band (in Italian!) that can be considered a link between the likes of The Cavemen and the fuzzy punk pioneers, which is The Gruesomes. However, the best that they get is when they let some of the European vibes also creep in, as in the opening Gouldman-flavoured title tune.
It seems that The Avengers’ suggestion to “Be A Cavemen” from way back in the ancient ‘60s, is still being considered pretty seriously.
[Released by Teen Sound 2006]
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