Gabba Gabba Hey Ho
The Ramones are among the strongest proofs of a mismatch between long time impact and records sold. Their slow burner debut album Ramones acquired status of US gold (500,000 copies) as late as 2014 – […]
The Ramones are among the strongest proofs of a mismatch between long time impact and records sold. Their slow burner debut album Ramones acquired status of US gold (500,000 copies) as late as 2014 – […]
LEGEND Anything You Do [Vertigo, 1971] Jag har Kjell Alinge att tacka för mycket. Utan att han hade den blekaste aning om det var han min musikaliske ledasagare under första halvan av 1970-talet. Ofta spelade […]
Ännu en gång är det dags att leta sig igenom spindelväven, öppna den gnisslande dörren och göra entré i popens dunkla paradis. Eller med andra ord: dags för andra delen av Hans Olofssons urval av […]
Late one night in very late 1976, a singer acquaintance of mine burst into the (condemned) house I was then sharing with the local bar band, shouting “You will never believe what I just saw […]
ALL TIME TOP TEN POWER POP PEOPLE (in chronological order) Certainly we could all be arguing blue-faced until that mythical Next Big Thing finally arrives over just what exactly IS Pop, Powerful or otherwise. Why, […]
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