Birthday Byrd
You know, it’s becoming increasingly obvious, with every passing Summer and with every passing trend, that The Byrds were just about the greatest rock ’n’ roll band America ever produced. Now sure, I bet lots […]
You know, it’s becoming increasingly obvious, with every passing Summer and with every passing trend, that The Byrds were just about the greatest rock ’n’ roll band America ever produced. Now sure, I bet lots […]
Some introductory words from the writer: Writing a very comprehensive article about a relatively unknown artist, may seem like a strange idea. But, as I said in the introduction, Gene Clark is not just anyone. […]
In January 1965, The Byrds recorded the final version of Mr. Tambourine Man, with Terry Melcher as the producer. Melcher was a musician who gradually moved behind the mixing board and become a talented producer. […]
Några inledande ord från skribenten: Att skriva en mycket omfattande artikel om en relativt okänd artist kan förefalla underligt. Men, som jag skrev i introduktionen, är Gene Clark inte vem som helst. I en tid […]
I januari 1965 spelade The Byrds in den slutgiltiga versionen av Mr. Tambourine Man. Producent blev Terry Melcher – en musiker som efterhand kommit att bli alltmer aktiv bakom spakarna. Melcher var också son till […]
Some introductory words from the writer: I’ve been a semi-professional writer from time to time for many years. I ran a music magazine in the early nineties and also wrote music books in Swedish, but […]
Detta är en mycket lång artikel. Det är också en mycket svår artikel att skriva, eftersom huvudpersonen skrev några av de bästa men ändå mest vemodiga låtar jag hört, samtidigt som han arbetade hårt med […]
Coming up in December – Gene Clark After a long break Hans Olofsson will publish an extensive article (an introduction as well as six parts, written in both Swedish and English) on the best rock […]
The list includes both released and unreleased cover versions. Jokers Are Wild [1985?] The foundation of Jokers Are Wild (written by Pat Robinson and Dick Holler) is a spectacular pop song in every sense, with […]
If you haven’t noticed the introduction, please read the first part of it (up to the paragraph about Marissa Nadler). Then you are on firm ground before listening to the favourites below. Keep in mind […]
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