Even though the cover does not specify the exact studio these recordings originate from, I suppose Edgar kept his living room in spite of Noel Gallagher’s request to buy it, upon hearing Soothing Music For The Stray Cats.
With his brand new single, Edgar sticks to the American black music heritage, not only being inspired by it, but however strange it may sound in case of a white Scouser, almost being it’s very sequel.
You might’ve already heard the title song in it’s more stripped down, acoustic album version, and while sticking to it’s initial “domino” composition, The Joneses’ re-recording tend to electrify it a bit, making it as commercial as any of the album material allows.
As stated in the promo sheet, Edgar doesn’t do b-sides, which is made pretty clear by the remaining two tracks, both being just as strong, with We Should Get Together sounding kinda like the young B.B. King, being possessed by the devil himself … or was it Don Van Vliet?
While Ain’t No Use In Cryin’ Now takes things closer “home” down the “white blues” way, not unlike the Green-era Fleetwood’s, complete with a manic freak-out ending, straching it to no less than 7 minutes.
More soothing music from the cat!
[Released by Viper 2006]
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