Even though “yesterday’s sound today” seems even more appropriate, one thing that’s sure about the sounds of Mellowmen, is that they’re timeless. Mostly drawing their inspiration from the many different moods of The Beatles, they also deliver the final results in a distinctively Swedish way.
As evidenced right from the very opening with I’m Okay, and later on with Sunshine Shell, both being genuine happy-go-lucky ‘66/’67 Macca-like tunes, put through the kaleidoscopic Jellyfish filter, by way of their native soulmates The Merrymakers, with Make You Mine being close enough, with an extra power chord or two, throwing in the name of Badfinger into the above line up of references as well.
Continuing in a tad moodier vibe, I Rest On Her Autumn Leaf is an imaginary Paul/Brian collaboration, not unlike it’s being done by The Pearlfishers or Paul Bevoir, while You Better Leave Now takes it all back towards the ‘63/’64 Mersey innocence, as do the Everliest harmonies of My Dove, after it’s classic Shadows-like intro.
With their influences getting closer to the end of the decade, Mellowmen seems to lean more onto the mind games of Lennon’s psychedelicacy, as heard in I Need To Know and Out Of Shape (Part 1) (with the latter sharing a vocal snippet ridiculously similar to the one in Duran Duran’s Union Of The Snake, which I’m almost ready to believe was thrown in full consciously), and sticking firmly to the usual Beatles-concept, Justify My Madness is the one that is “flying” pretty much like the “quiet one”.
Get these sounds of yesterday today, so that you can make sure to remember them tomorrow!!!
[Released by Rainbow Quartz 2007]
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